Principal software engineer interview questions
Principal software engineer interview questions

principal software engineer interview questions

According to CAP theorem, a BASE system does not guarantee consistency. It states that the high level module must not depend on the low level module, but they should depend on abstractions.īASE properties are the common properties of recently evolved NoSQL databases. Entities must depend on abstractions not on concretions. A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or clients shouldn't be forced to depend on methods they do not use. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T. Let q(x) be a property provable about objects of x of type T. Objects or entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification. A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job. S.O.L.I.D is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C.

principal software engineer interview questions

Q3: What does SOLID stand for? What are its principles? There's no human intervention, and only a failed test will prevent a new change to be deployed to production. With this practice, every change that passes all stages of your production pipeline is released to your customers. Continuous deployment goes one step further than continuous delivery.This means that on top of having automated your testing, you also have automated your release process and you can deploy your application at any point of time by clicking on a button. Continuous delivery is an extension of continuous integration to make sure that you can release new changes to your customers quickly in a sustainable way.By doing so, you avoid the integration hell that usually happens when people wait for release day to merge their changes into the release branch. Developers practicing continuous integration merge their changes back to the main branch as often as possible.Q2: What are the differences between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment? It also helps you to write far better programs from the maintenance point of view. This approach can be used to change the behavior of a program at run-time. This way the client program is not worried about implementation and the interface signature determines what all operations can be done.


Q1: What does “program to interfaces, not implementations” mean?Ĭoding against interface means, the client code always holds an Interface object which is supplied by a factory.Īny instance returned by the factory would be of type Interface which any factory candidate class must have implemented. Originally published on FullStack.Cafe - Never Fail Your Tech Interview Again Software architecture refers to the high level structures of a software system, the discipline of creating such structures, and the documentation of these structures. A software architect is a software expert who makes high-level design choices and dictates technical standards, including software coding standards, tools, and platforms.

Principal software engineer interview questions